DOOM 2016 (Xbox One) – Family Group Gift – ARGENTINA


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Doom is a legend of 1993, a time when sprites ruled the gaming world. Hardcore, demanding,fast, and relentlessly brutal. Now you can relive the same emotions with DOOM, a game so old-schooland adrenaline-pumped that the title can only be written in capital Software's DOOM is a 2016 first-person shooter bringing back the speed, the violence, and the demons of the original game, but in glorious HD.Grab a Super Shotgun, smash some heads, and force hellspawn back where it came from.

DOOM 2016 Video Game

Minimalistic storytelling

DOOM doesn't waste time telling you backstories, complex plots or elaborate cutscenes. A corporation opened up aportal to Hell to harvest its energy. Things happened. You wake up having to clean all of this up with lead, plasma,and seething rage.DOOM never drags your attention away from the carnage and the deadly dance on the screen, but thestory is there, waiting. Inquisitive player can find it in logs and PA system messages, and other places.

Fast-paced DOOM gameplay

When you put on the Praetor armor you throw caution out of the window. Not because it makes you invincible. It'sbecause it makes you fast, strong, and awesome.When your basic speed allows you to run circles around any otherfirst-person shooter protagonist in recent memory you know that cover is for the weak. Engage in a violent dance ofmurder, strafing, circling, and descending on your enemies like a wrecking ball. You call the shots here.


Powerful arsenal

You start out with a pistol, and kill some lowly demons with it without any problem. And then it gets even better.Shotguns, rifles, plasma guns, and finally one of the most iconic weapon in video game history. Yes, the BFG 9000 isback to let you take another swing at the denizens of Hell, and it couldn't come at a better time.Upgrade yourweapons to make them even more powerful and destructive. No demon will stand in your way, but they will try.

Glory Kills

Channel your rage and hate for demonspawn into Glory Kills. DOOM doesn't do regenerating health or convenientpickups. In DOOM you heal by murder and purifying the world of demon scum. Punch, rip, and tear demons to death withyour (or their) bare hands and get health out of it. Run them through with a chainsaw to get back ammo. Play yourcards right and nothing will get even close to taking you out.

DOOM Glory Kill


Completed the game? Found all the collectibles and upgrades? Gained everything there in the multiplayer? Turn toSnapMap to create your own maps, or to enjoy these made by others. Use an intuitive tool to create your own maps,levels, even whole new game modes if you are determined enough.Use community-created maps and missions insingleplayer and multiplayer and never run out of demons to kill.

DOOM (PC) is id Software's reboot of the genre-defining game from 1993.Incredible mobility, brutal combat, delightfully disgusting demons, and enough weapons and ammo to kill Hell seventimes over. DOOM is an old-school shooter with modern design.

Key features

  • Brutal finishers – stagger your enemies with a hail of bullets and finish them off with a Glory Kills for extra gore and health
  • Powerful weapons – starting with a simple pistol and ending with a BFG 9000, every weapon in the game packs a serious punch
  • Upgrades – your weapons and armor can be upgraded, to give the demons a feeling that you need extra power to confront them
  • Old-school gameplay, modern execution – DOOM merges the unbridled joy of straightforward shooters with modern technical execution. Demons in HD!
  • Doomguy – the most feared slayer of demons short of Dante is back, and he's all out of bubble gum. But he has a lot of ammo instead

Below are the minimum and recommended system specifications for DOOM 2016 (Xbox One) – Xbox Live Key – ARGENTINA. Due to potential programming changes, the minimum system requirements for DOOM 2016 (Xbox One) – Xbox Live Key – ARGENTINA may change over time.

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