On a mysterious remote island, a skull washes up on shore and is reawakened by an enigmatic deity. Dubbed Skully, the newly reanimated being has been summoned to intervene in a war between the deity*s three siblings, whose quarrel jeopardizes the island they call home.
About The Game
Fate has bestowed Skully with a second chance at ※life§ and his adventure will take him across a strange paradise as he seeks an end to the conflict that plagues the isle.
Key Features
- Hop, skip and roll your way to victory. Dodge obstacles across the island as Skully, a skull reanimated by the power of magical clay.
- Adapt to your environment. Transform into three distinct forms to overcome challenges and defeat enemies.
- Traverse a mysterious island. Roll through 18 different levels in 7 distinct ecosystems each packed with unique dangers.
- Explore a compelling story. Fully voiced dialogue and cutscenes breathe life into the island*s inhabitants and the charming world of Skully!
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